Vegetation and Floristics
The inventory, classification and mapping of plants (especially rare species) and plant communities is integral to most aspects of land management and the siting of proposed developments.
Selected Projects:
B.C. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (Victoria, B.C.), 2018-2020, "Vegetation Change in the Nisga’a Lava Beds Provincial Park" [awarded through UNBC]
Ecosystem Dynamics Inc. (Prince George, B.C.), 2013, “Rare Plants and Ecosystems Along the Proposed Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Route"
Parks Canada (Vancouver, B.C.), 2002. “Floristic Inventory of Kitwanga Fort National Historic Site: Species at Risk, Ethnobotany, and Considerations for Historical Ecosystem Restoration”
B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Skeena District, Terrace Field Office (Terrace, B.C.) 1997, "Assessment of Flora and Vegetation and Impact Significance, Lower Kitlope River"